NDT Consulting
Objective Oversight. Dependable Outcomes.
Many of our customers have their own non-destructive testing programs, but could use the oversight of an external Level III.
Whether you choose not to staff your own Level III, or you could benefit from our extra set of eyes and experience, American Testing Services is dedicated to providing you flexible ndt consulting services to help improve and regulate your outcomes.
Whatever the need, we consider our clients our partners. We can plug into your team seamlessly to keep your business moving forward. Let us know how we can help.
Our NDT Consulting Services
Non-Destructive Level III Oversight
When maintaining an NDT quality program, it is essential to have a Level III on staff or contracted to manage the program, approve document creation or changes and provide helpful insight. It may not be economically feasible to staff your own Level III. American Testing Services can provide functions on an annual contract basis, providing significant cost savings.
One of our Level III consultants will be assigned to your organization and will work with you and your program as part of your team. Our consultants understand they are part of the success of your NDT program and will support it like it is their own, making themselves available to help solve critical problems as they arise or planning and developing new projects as your company grows. Your organization and your consultant will have all the resources available to ATS to help your program thrive.
If needed, we are also capable of providing approved Rolls-Royce and Honeywell Level III services.
Quality NDT Procedure Writing & Development
NDT procedures are the company’s guidelines by which they will operate and are reviewed many times over by customers and prospects. From personnel certification to detailed instruction on how you will perform a given inspection, having clear written instructions is a must. American Testing Services can prepare NDT procedures and ensure that they effectively describe the scope, equipment, inspection process and report formats required.
The NDT written practice provides the overall foundation for personnel qualification. It is a critical component to an effective NDT program. ATS can prepare a written practice if needed and will assist in defining the training, experience and examination requirements for each NDT qualification level and method.
If you are interested in creating your own inspection program and are looking for guidance on how to structure your quality program, we can help by leading your quality team through the process and creating a plan that is tailored to your way of doing business while meeting required quality markers.
NDT Personnel Certification
American Testing Services Level III consultants are available to develop and administer NDT examinations and refresher training to meet the requirements of your written practice and customer specifications. These examinations include general, specific and practical for Level I and Level II candidates as well as basic, method/general, specific, practical and procedural for Level III personnel.
Our staff is certified and knowledgeable in ASNT and NAS 410 certification standards. We offer training in MT, PT, RT, UT, ET, VT and IRRSP at your location or at our facility.
NDT Program Reviews & Supplier Audits
We can provide auditing and surveillance services of your vendors or internal programs. Services offered include complete quality system audits or auditing of specific areas such as certification, welding, and non-destructive testing.
We can also assist in the preparation of QA manuals and supporting QC procedures if needed. We can provide objective, thorough and reliable assessment of procedures, documentation, data, compliance or any other aspect of testing for which third-party review and opinion are helpful or required.
Audit support required by Honeywell is also available.
NDT Consulting Services You Can Trust
ATS will work beside your company as partners to develop and maintain your desired quality program. Along with oversight ATS can fulfill your training, equipment calibration and various inspections needs.