Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing – Designed to See What You Can’t

Non-destructive testing (NDT) refers to a wide group of inspection methods used to analyze the soundness of a material, component, or structure without physically or chemically altering it. We offer a comprehensive array of conventional and advanced NDT capabilities and perform visual inspection in conjunction with all of our test methodologies.

We offer inspection services on your schedule. When necessary, our labs can operate 24/7 to accommodate your timeline.

NDT inspection methods are available both in our facility and in the field. Our team is trained in proper safety procedures for field inspections including fall protection, confined space, and personal protective equipment.

Share your NDT inspection needs, and we will meet them whether that involves standard services or creating something more custom.

Our Testing Capabilities

Bolt Torquing

Certified Weld Inspector Services (CWI)

Eddy Current

Liquid Penetrant

Magnetic Particle

Radiography/Computerized Radiography


Visual Inspection

Wire Rope

Dedicated to Safety

  • All of our business is conducted in accordance with OSHA regulations. We have an excellent safety record with few lost time incidents.
  • Our rope access technicians are independently trained and certified through SPRAT (Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians) every 3 years, which includes high angle rescue procedures.
  • SPRAT membership provides our technicians with access to the latest standards, equipment, and tools.
  • Rope access is statistically safer than scaffolds and uses fewer workers.
  • We require a minimum of two technicians for all rope access work, enabling mutual surveillance.
  • Our technicians work from two ropes – a working rope and a safety rope. Each rope is independently anchored, and the technician is permanently attached to both.
  • Rope systems can be removed from a job site at the end of each shift, minimizing the chance of vandalism.

Non-Destructive Testing vs. Metallurgy

NDT shows you what you need to see without breaking it. Metallurgy breaks it so you know how, why and where it’s possible to fail. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to know, before you need to know it.

American Testing Services Offers Full Spectrum Solutions to Provide You With the Peace of Mind You Need.

To complement our non-destructive testing, we also provide consulting, equipment calibrations, and training.

NDT Consulting

NDT Equipment Calibrations

NDT Training

We don’t sell inspections. We sell peace of mind.
Let us help you claim yours.