In need of trace element analysis in your material? Is your part too small for traditional evaluation methods? Or would you like to verify questionable element concentrations from other testing methods? American Testing Services’ Metallurgical group offers ICP-OES in addition to the typical GD-OES, PMI, and Carbon & Sulfur by combustion analysis techniques used for routine chemical evaluation checks. Our instrument, Teledyne Leeman Prodigy 7 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, features a detector capable of parts per million and parts per billion analyses of a wide range of elements.
In addition to trace element analysis, small sample size can limit the analysis methods available, but with the ICP-OES sample sizes down to 1 gram or sometimes even less can be evaluated.
So, whether you need trace elements analyzed or have small sample sizes, our ICP-OES might be the right tool for you. Contact Walt Custer, Metallurgical Lab Manager by email or 937-298-9390 for more information.